When to Call IPC
A trusted resource, IPC is here to help 24 hours a day, every day of the year. Find out when to call the IPC helpline—whether you’re calling for yourself or a loved one, or you’re a healthcare provider, law enforcement officer or first responder.

IPC Is Here to Help
By calling the IPC helpline (1-800-222-1222) you’ll receive expert advice on the topics listed below and for your poisoning concerns. Calls are free and confidential.
- Accidental Pediatric Ingestions: Prescription and over-the-counter medications, cleaning products, cosmetics, automotive fluids, hydrocarbons, plants, and anything else!
- Bites and Stings: Spiders, bees, wasps, animals (bats, skunks, raccoons, pets), poisonous or non-poisonous snakes
- Dermal Exposures: Skin contamination with caustics or other chemicals
- Eye Exposures: Any substance that gets in the eye
- Foodborne Illnesses: Bacterial food poisoning, botulism, fish poisoning, contaminants
- Foreign Body Ingestions: Batteries, toys, glass, magnets
- Hazardous Materials: Chemical spills and environmental releases
- Inhalation Exposures: Irritant gases, and systemic poisons such as carbon monoxide
- Biological or Chemical Agents: Biological and chemical incidents or nuclear radioactivity
- Medication Errors: Wrong medication, too much medication, medication given to the wrong person, drug-drug or drug-food interactions
- Poison Prevention: Educational materials (literature, stickers, magnets) and free online education and continuing education credit
- Substance Abuse: Use of drugs or inhalants for recreation
- Suicides: Intentional self-harm attempts using drug or non-drug agents
Here when you need us
Total cases managed yearly
Cases involving children ages 5 or under
Cases from the public resolved over the phone